Jumat, 11 Maret 2011


Have You Met Jesus?

Every movie tells a story and some stories challenge the way we think or leave us with questions. Maybe the story portrayed in Letters to God has caused you to think about God in a new way.

The cool thing is that God wants you to know Him. He desires a relationship with you. Just like Tyler in the movie, you can know God and have a relationship with Him.

Starting a relationship with God might seem impossible for you or even scary. It's not. The first step is happening right now. You are exploring the story that drives this movie and that's a perfect way to start.

But just asking questions and exploring the idea of God isn't where you should stop.

We would encourage you to find a local church and talk with someone there.

You can also explore I am Second, a movement meant to inspire people of all kinds to live for God and for others. People at I am Second are available to talk or email with you 24 hours day.

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